Watershed and Watershed Council FAQs
What is a watershed? This video by ODFW Salmon Trout Enhancement Program biologist Karen Hans provides an excellent overview of watershed processes. Learn about the history of Oregon's watersheds, how to restore watersheds for better fish and wildlife habitat, and impress your friends with your new knowledge about geo-fluvial morphological processes! https://youtu.be/jjN7S1vt54k

How big is your watershed, and where are the boundaries? Find the answers to these and other watershed-related questions on the Network of Oregon Watershed Council's webpage by clicking here.

What is a watershed council? Where can I find my local watershed council? Click here to find out what a watershed council is and how to contact your local watershed council.

What is the role of a watershed council, and what kinds of things are they involved in within my community? If you are interested in finding out more about what a watershed council does, click here.

The ability of a watershed council to work across jurisdictional boundaries and focus on on-the-ground conservation work puts them in the unique role as a liaison between community members and larger state, regional and federal land management agencies. Learn how your watershed council benefits your community here.