The Revegetation Reach (1.4 miles) stretches from Monmouth Public Works at Hogan Road to Wildfang Park, with an additional section at Riverview Park in Independence. The stream bank along this section of Ash Creek has been significantly degraded, with many areas having almost no native vegetation. Along this section of the creek, we will be both controlling invasive species and planting native trees and shrubs within the riparian zone. Streamside trees and vegetation are important because they provide natural protection against flood damage and bank erosion, trap sediment that would otherwise wash into the waterway, and provide important shade.
The Stewardship Reach (1.4 miles) extends from Wildfang Park in Independence to Riverview Park, and has been identified as a portion of Ash Creek that has a fairly healthy vegetated riparian area. Along this stretch of the creek, we will be focusing our efforts on removing high-priority invasive weeds within the riparian area. Some of the invasive species identified along Ash Creek are English ivy, holly, scotch broom, poison hemlock, and vinca. If you suspect that you may have one or more of these species on your property, don't hesitate to give us a call at 503-837-0237 or email us at [email protected] to find out how to remove these invasive plants and learn about some excellent native plant varieties to replace them.