There are a bounty of beautiful outdoor recreation spots in our watershed that are located just minutes from your doorstep. Whether you enjoy hiking along forest trails, kayaking along our rivers, or strolling among wildflower-strewn meadows - we've got it all right here!
Below is a map showing the locations of different recreation spots located within or near the Luckiamute and Ash Creek watersheds. Clicking on any of the locations will bring up a description, directions, and a link to more information about each site. This list is still a work in progress, so if you have any favorite outdoor spots to add or have a suggestion to make, please send an email to [email protected], or give us a call at 503-837-0237. Thank you!
The Coalition of Oregon Land Trusts (COLT) and Greenbelt Land Trust have just released a map of all the Oregon lands conserved by land trusts, including places that you can visit on your own! Click here to download a FREE copy of this beautiful and informative map.