J2E Tree Farm is a small woodlands operation located in the Upper Luckiamute River / Vincent Creek sub-basin in northern Benton County. The 338-acre property ranges from 320 to 740 feet in elevation along 1.5 miles of Vincent Creek, a tributary to the Luckiamute River. The varied topography hosts a range of habitat types. Douglas fir trees are encroaching upon a corridor of Oregon white oaks, limiting its potential to provide critical habitat to Taylor’s checkerspot butterfly and other sensitive species. Varied wetland habitats that host Nelson’s checkermallow and other priority species also face pressures from invasive grasses and other weeds. A fragmented riparian corridor consists of a mix of mature hardwood forest with encroaching invasive weeds. Vincent Creek is incised and scoured to bedrock in many places; a perched culvert on a tributary to Vincent Creek blocks passage to cold-water refuge for native fish.
The project proposes a ridge to river approach to enhance these important habitats and support a diversity of fish and wildlife. Douglas fir thinning and understory planting will restore a 16-acre oak corridor in close proximity to the Taylor’s checkerspot butterfly population in Beazell Memorial Forest. In all habitats, project partners will work to remove target invasive species and increase the diversity of shrubs and trees and increase the density and cover of appropriate native plants. The actions will promote pollinator habitat, improve wetland conditions, and restore and connect riparian corridors. To address incision and disconnected floodplain in Vincent Creek, partners propose large wood placement and revegetation efforts that promote beaver activity. Placement of boulders will create two pool lifts to resolve the perched culvert.
Project partners include Benton Soil and Water Conservation District, Natural Resources Conservation Service, landowners, Luckiamute Watershed Council, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Bonneville Environmental Foundation and Xerces Society. |