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Paseo de Pájaros Bilingüe - 3 de junio, 2023
Bilingual Bird Walk at Ash Creek - June 3, 2023
Informe de Paseo de Pájaros, de Mike Unger (3 de junio, 2023)
Hoy celebramos la Caminata de Pájaros Bilingüe en Independence. La caminata fue organizada por el Consejo de la Cuenca del Río Luckiamute y sus socios. Realizamos dos caminatas separadas, una a las 10:00 a.m. y otra a la 1:00 p.m. Un total de 12 personas participaron en las caminatas. El clima fue muy agradable, con cielos despejados y temperaturas que oscilaron entre los 63 y 77 grados. Observamos 18 especies durante la primera caminata y 16 especies durante la segunda caminata. ¡En total, observamos 25 especies durante el día! Antes de hoy, en el lugar se habían observado un total de 12 especies. ¡Después de hoy, el número total de especies observadas en el Sitio de Restauración de Ash Creek asciende a 28 especies!
Durante las caminatas vimos un nido de Golondrina bicolor que estaba ocupado. A veces, una de las Golondrinas bicolores asomaba la cabeza por el agujero del nido. También vimos muchas plantaciones bonitas, así como mariposas, libélulas, y peces a lo largo de Ash Creek.
Gracias a todos por hacer de este un evento exitoso.
Especies identificadas: 25
Lista completa aquí: https://ebird.org/tripreport/136272
Durante las caminatas vimos un nido de Golondrina bicolor que estaba ocupado. A veces, una de las Golondrinas bicolores asomaba la cabeza por el agujero del nido. También vimos muchas plantaciones bonitas, así como mariposas, libélulas, y peces a lo largo de Ash Creek.
Gracias a todos por hacer de este un evento exitoso.
Especies identificadas: 25
Lista completa aquí: https://ebird.org/tripreport/136272
Un agradecimiento especial al Distrito de Control de Agua de Ash Creek por proporcionar el financiamiento que hizo que este evento fuera gratuito para todos los participantes.
Bird Walk Report, by Mike Unger (June 3, 2023)
Today we held the Bilingual Bird Walk in Independence. The walk was hosted by the Luckiamute Watershed Council and their partners. We held two separate walks with one at 10:00 AM and another one at 1:00 PM. A total of 12 people participated in the walks. The weather was very nice with clear skies and temperatures ranging from 63 to 77 degrees. We observed 18 species during the first walk and 16 species during the second walk. For the day we observed 25 species. Before today the site had a total of 12 species that had been observed. After today the total species observed at the Ash Creek Restoration Site stands at 28 species!
During the walks we saw a Tree Swallow nest that was occupied. At times one of the Tree Swallow stuck its head out the nest box hole. We also saw many nice plantings as well as butterflies, dragonflies, damselflies, and fish along Ash Creek.
Thanks to everyone for making this a successful event.
Identified Species: 25
Complete list here: https://ebird.org/tripreport/136272
Today we held the Bilingual Bird Walk in Independence. The walk was hosted by the Luckiamute Watershed Council and their partners. We held two separate walks with one at 10:00 AM and another one at 1:00 PM. A total of 12 people participated in the walks. The weather was very nice with clear skies and temperatures ranging from 63 to 77 degrees. We observed 18 species during the first walk and 16 species during the second walk. For the day we observed 25 species. Before today the site had a total of 12 species that had been observed. After today the total species observed at the Ash Creek Restoration Site stands at 28 species!
During the walks we saw a Tree Swallow nest that was occupied. At times one of the Tree Swallow stuck its head out the nest box hole. We also saw many nice plantings as well as butterflies, dragonflies, damselflies, and fish along Ash Creek.
Thanks to everyone for making this a successful event.
Identified Species: 25
Complete list here: https://ebird.org/tripreport/136272
A special thank you to Ash Creek Water Control District for providing funding that made this event free of charge to all participants!