There are six categories. Each photographer may submit a maximum of two photos per category (categories listed below). All photographs must be taken within the Luckiamute Watershed service area. Entries must be submitted between April 1 at 12:00am and May 31 at 11:59pm by using the photo contest submission form on our Photo Contest main webpageor emailed directly to [email protected], with the following information: Photo category, Photographer name, Photo date, Photo location, Photo description and Photo title (optional). Please keep in mind that all photographs must be submitted as a JPEG/JPG or PNG file, no larger than 20 MB in size, and no less than 300 dpi in resolution in order to be eligible for the contest. All entries must be received by May 31, 2021 at 11:59pm. All photo entries will be posted on our Photo Contest Vote page, our Photo Contest Gallery and may also be posted to our Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Water(This is the category for photos that feature your favorite river, stream or waterfall as the subject.)
Plants(The main subject of photos in this category should be the native plant-life of our area.)
Wildlife(Do you have a great local shot of an elk, beaver, fish, insect, bird or other wild critter? This is the category where it belongs!)
People(Whether they are at work or play, the human members of our watershed community can be just as photogenic as the plants and wildlife!)
Landscapes(If you have some shots of the beautiful vistas of our watershed, enter them in this category)
Youth entries(Photographers aged 12 and under may enter their photos in this category, regardless of the subject!)
Photography Submission
All photographs must be submitted in one of the following two ways:
Using the Photograph Submission Form found here. Photographs must be uploaded one at a time, with all the required information on the Photography Submission form filled out for each photograph.
Emailing the photograph(s) as an attachment directly to [email protected], and including the following information for each photograph: Photo category, Photographer name, Photo date, Photo location, Photo description and Photo title (optional).
**Remember that all photographs must be submitted as a JPEG/JPG or PNG file, be no larger than 20 MB in size, and no less than 300 dpi in resolution in order to be eligible for the contest!
Selection Process
From June 1 through June 30, the public will be voting online for their three favorite photos within each category using a voting app that will be available on our Photo Contest Vote page. All photos on the voting page will have only their titles (or description) displayed. Voters will be able to vote for their three favorite photos by using a dot system, where they click on the "dot" below three different photos to indicate their favorites in each category. Each voter will only be able to participate once per device, and all votes will be anonymous. The three photos with the most votes within each category will be considered photo contest finalists. In July, a photo contest winner for each category will be selected by the LWC Education and Outreach committee from the finalists. A grand prize winner will also be selected by the LWC Education and Outreach committee from all photo contest category winners. All category winners and the grand prize winner will be notified in mid-July, after the selection process occurs.
Grand Prize Winner: $100 Prepaid Visa Card Category Winners: $30 Gift Certificate to the LWC Store
All entrants are eligible to receive a complimentary LWC cloth tote, which will be mailed to you if an address is provided. Entry prize is also available for pick up at the LWC Office. Please call 503-837-0237 or email [email protected] to make sure someone will be at the office when you arrive!
Specifications and Release
By submitting your photo, you allow use by the LWC. Submitting photos does not guarantee use by the LWC. The selected photographer(s) must be able to provide a high-resolution and preferably unedited image (at least 300 dpi) version of the image and must allow LWC to reproduce the image free of charge for our website, social media, publications and related publicity material, and the right to include your name and hometown in association with the image. If you have any questions, please email them to [email protected].
Pro Tips!
Take lots of photos of the same subject or scenery, using different angles, settings and/or lighting. Then choose your favorite to submit!
Make sure your photos are submitted as JPEG/JPG or PNG files, are no larger than 20 MB, and are at least 300 dpi (dots per inch).