Can You Dig It?On October 16, celebrate Orca Recovery Day with us by planting trees and building deer-proof fences to help restore the streamside habitat along Ash Creek!
Come join us on Orca Recovery Day as we work to establish a canopy of native trees to cool and protect the waters of Ash Creek as it flows on its way through Independence to the Willamette River. Volunteers are needed to help dig holes, plant, and then fence in 28 young trees with posts and netting to keep the deer out and help the trees get a strong start. As these trees grow, they will soon provide shade to other native plants and shrubs growing below in the understory. Their shade will also help keep summer water temperatures cooler – which will benefit steelhead, Chinook salmon and other aquatic life, which in turn will help endangered southern resident Orca populations*.
We will be working outdoors and volunteers must be able to dig holes with shovels, pound in posts and carry equipment weighing up to 15 pounds over uneven ground. Please note that all volunteers will be required to follow COVID-19 safety precautions outlined here, including wearing face masks during this event whenever six feet of distance cannot be consistently maintained.** |